IT Automation Activities
Last updated Jun 11, 2024

Configure Robot



Connects the Robot in a given Virtual Machine to Orchestrator.


Before configuring your Robot, make sure all the following requirements are met:

  • Virtual Machine is powered on
  • VMware Tools are installed and running
  • Robot is installed on your Virtual Machine
  • Robot service is running (needed for command line arguments supported by Robot)
  • Robot is provisioned on Orchestrator

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Virtual Machine - Specifies the virtual machine.

    Note: The Virtual Machine parameter provides the following information:
    • ID - Specifies the ID of the virtual machine.
    • Name - Specifies the name Virtual machine.
    • Host - Specifies the host on which the virtual machine is running.
    • FullPath - Specifies the full path to the virtual machine, including datacenter and folder hierarchy.
    • IPAddress - Specifies the primary IP address assigned to the guest operating system, if known.
    • DNSName - Specifies the hostname of the guest operating system, if known.
    • GuestOS - Specifies the guest's operating system full name, if known.
    • GuestOSState - Specifies the guest's operating system state. Possible values are Running, ShuttingDown, Resetting, Standby, NotRunning, Unknown.
    • PowerState - Specifies the virtual machine power state. Possible values are PoweredOn, PoweredOff, Suspended.
    • VMwareToolsState - Specifies the current running status of VMware Tools in the guest operating system, if known. Possible values are NotRunning, Running, ExecutingScripts.
    • VMwareToolsVersionStatus - Specifies the current version status of VMware Tools. The possible values are Blacklisted, Current, NeedUpgrade, NotInstalled, SupportedNew, SupportedOld, TooNew, TooOld, Unmanaged.
    • IsTemplate - Indicates if the input represents a virtual machine template.
    • Tags - Specifies the list of tags assigned to the virtual machine or template.
  • Orchestrator - Provides the Orchestrator URL or the Connection String obtained from Orchestrator, Settings page, General tab.
  • Username - The name of the user under which the robot is configured. The format should be provided as domain\username.
  • Password - The password for the provided Username.
  • MachineKey - Specifies the machine key obtained from the Orchestrator, Machines page. It is required only when the value of the Orchestrator parameter is equal with the value of the Orchestrator URL.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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