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Integration Service Activities
Last updated May 30, 2024

Create Product



Creates a product in Hubspot CRM.


The following properties are located inside the body of the activity:

  • Description - The description of the product.
  • SKU - The SKU of the product.
  • Image URL - The image URL for the product.
  • URL - The URL of the product.
  • Folder ID - The ID of the folder that has the product. Enter a string or a String variable or click the Find button to open a search window where you can enter your folder name and retrieve its ID. The current limit in the search is 1000 records.
  • Unit Price - The price of the product
  • Recurring Billing Frequency - The recurring billing frequency of the product. Options available in the drop-down are: Monthly, Quarterly, Per Six Months, Annually, Per Two Years, Per Three Years.
  • Unit Cost - The amount the product costs to the HubSpot customer.
  • Term (months) - The billing duration of the product. The input must be in the following format: P(Insert an integer here)M, for example, P12M or P24M.
  • Product - The activity's response.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • ResponseStatus - The status of the request (success/failure information). Enter a ResponseStatus variable (UiPath.BAF.Models.ResponseStatus). The ResponseStatus object includes three properties that you can use in other activities.
    • Success - Boolean - Specifies whether the API request was successful.
    • ErrorCode - String - The response error if the API request is unsuccessful (Success=False).
    • Message - String - The error message
  • Description
  • Configuration
  • Properties

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